In the summer of 2017, during their time of discernment, the Leightons took a family trip to Montana. It was during that prayerful trip that Alex & Rebecca revealed to their 4 children that they were considering a move to the city of Bozeman to plant a church. Throughout the visit, God provided the confirmation needed to encourage the family in taking the leap of faith to move from Virginia to start a church plant in Montana.​
Upon their move, Bozeman Anglican was established in 2018.
Anglicanism is a worldwide body of Christians responding to God’s revelation through Jesus Christ. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer. It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. We are a global family living out our faith in local communities.
Bozeman Anglican is part of the Western Anglican Diocese of ACNA.

We are reaching the Gallatin Valley with the transforming love of Jesus Christ -- through the richness of church tradition, fellowship, and prayer. The relationships of our daily lives are also essential to meaningful Christian ministry. Join us for weekly Sunday corporate worship and/or an upcoming small group Bible study.
We look forward to meeting you!
We appreciate your generous financial support which makes our mission possible.
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Alex Leighton - Bozeman Anglican - Bozeman, MT